Membership Directory - Corporate

Living Life Healthy



Available to Members
Company Website Address:
Street: Available to Members
City: Orange
Province: CA
Zip Code: 92868
Company Description: The Live Life Healthy plan is a supplemental preventative health management plan designed to help employers address the challenges of keeping their workforce healthy with a plan that offers a health benefit at zero net cost to both employer and employee. Through the Live Life Healthy plan, subscribers gain access to a full range of comprehensive healthcare programs and services, a world-class combination of telemedicine, screening, testing, coaching, and much more. It includes many of the most important tools needed to live a healthier life in a convenient, user friendly package. The Live Life Healthy plan allows employees to pay for qualified health care with pre-tax dollars in accordance with Section 125 of the IRC tax code. Through the plan’s premium, members effectively reduce their taxable income and enjoy an increase in their paychecks. The result is an increase in pay for the employee and higher profitability for the company. Everybody is healthier, and everybody wins!
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